jeudi 7 janvier 2010

Cannibalism in Ecuador.

The Huoarani tribe in Ecuador that represent the Ecuadorians mestizos natives roots is canibalistic. The Huoarani tribe is the tribe that killed Jim Elliot and several others while in his missionary trips to the tribe in 1956. It's the only tribe on earth that is still canibalistic it's also known as the Aucas. Those tribes represent the “wild” Mestizos to the opposite of the already domesticated or civilized ones who inhabit urban areas.

"Men, women and children all go for the huge pots - gigantic vessels and uninhibitedly fish out bones and pieces of meat with their hands. Steam rises from the pots and disappears seconds later in the roof made out of leaves. There's a strange, yes almost eerie atmosphere in the hut. The Indians are slurping and smacking, and shamelessly giving free rein to their excess gastric pressure; they lick their hands up to their elbows, only to instantly return to dip them into the hot brew. The result is a unique and almost savage mixture of noises.

Approximately 96.4% of Ecuador's are Highland Quichuas living in the valleys of the Sierra region. Primarily consisting of the descendents of Incans, they are Kichwa speakers and include the Caranqui, the Otavaleños, the Cayambi, the Quitu-Caras, the Panzaleo, the Chimbuelo, theSalasacan, the Tugua, the Puruhá, the Cañari, and the Saraguro. Linguistic evidence suggests that the Salascan and the Saraguro may have been the descendants of Bolivian ethnic groups transplanted to Ecuador as mitimaes.

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